Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Counting continuing in the Victorian Upper House

Counting is continuing in the Victorian Upper house. In Northern Metro below-the-line votes have helped the Greens overtake Stephen Mayne which means he doesn't get their preferences and is knocked out before leapfrogging other micros. The end result is 2 ALP, 2 LIB, 1 GRN instead of 2 ALP, 1 LIB, 1 GRN and Mayne.

Early counting showed Country Alliance getting a seat in Northern Victoria but this looks unlikely now. Nth Vic should go 2 LIB, 2 ALP 1 NAT

The most interesting contest is West Metro which earlier showed 3 ALP, 2 LIB with around 83% counted, now the count is 91% and The Greens have jumped into the 4th place to leave it looking like 2 ALP, 2 LIB and 1 GRN.

If these results stay as are overall it will be 21 LIB/NAT, 16 ALP and 3 GRN.

Justice for Assange

Julain Assange has been arrested in London, according to his lawyers he has not been charged with anything but it relates to charges in Sweden. Click the folowing banner to visit the 'Justice For Assange' website.

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