Wednesday, November 7, 2012

US Elections 2012. Prediction and updates.

Welcome to AustraliaVotes Live coverage on the 2012 US Elections. Updates will be sporadic at times and some updates will only be on the AustraliaVotes twitter (all times are Sydney time)


2:00pm  Electoral College Vote Update. ABC Australia - Obama 217-167, CNN Romney 152-143, PBS Romney 158-154, MSNBC Obama 162-153

1:30pm New Hampshire (16%) Obama 55 - Romney 44. Michigan (14%) Obama 51 - Romney 48

1:15pm Ohio (32%) Obama 54 - Romney 42. Florida (42%) 50-50. Virginia (42%) Romney 52 - Obama 47. Wisconsin (1%) Romney 52 - Obama 47

1:10pm Ballot Measure update. Alabama (1% reporting) Limit Obamacare Yes 61-39. Arkansas (1%) Allow Medical Marijuana No/Yes tied on 50. Florida (52%) Limit Obamacare Yes 51 - 49, No public funds for abortion No 55 - 45. Maine (2%) Allow Same-sex marriage No 59-41. Maryland (1%) Allow same-sex marriage Yes 55-45. Massachusetts (14%) Allow medical marijuana Yes 63-37

12:10pm Ballot Measures - Florida (18% reporting) Limit Obamacare in state No 53 - Yes 47. No public funds for abortion No 56 - Yes 44.

12:00pm Electoral College Update - CNN Obama 64 - Romney 40, ABC Australia still 177-167

11:45am Romney currently leading the popular vote 51-48 (2,045,558 - 1,949,578)

11:40am Senate - Vermont - Sanders (IND) hold, leading McGovern (GOP) 76-19 with 1% reporting. Indiana - 14% reporting Donelly (DEM) and Mourdock (GOP) tied on 47%

11:35am 24% in from Florida - Obama leads 51-48

11:32am That 177-167 is from ABC Australia. The CNN tally is Romney 24 (WV, IN, KY), Obama 3 (VT).

11:25am CNN projects Indiana for Romney

11:15am Current electoral college tally - Obama 177, Romney 167.

11:10am To start, here is my prediction of the Presidential Election from a couple of days ago.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Live: Sydney by-election

Sydney by-election results.
Turnout: 62.2% - 2.8% informal

Primary Vote
Candidate PartyVote % Swing %
Robyn Peebles CDP 1.90.8
Alex Greenwich IND 47.3 11
Chris Harris GRN 17.7 4.9
Shayne Mallard LIB 30.9 -5.3
Glenn Wall IND 2.2 2.2
Greenwich 63.7% - Mallard 36.3%

Sunday, September 16, 2012

NSW Council Election: Byron Booth Results.

Nothing much out of the ordinary with the booth results as far as I can tell. The weird thing is The Greens getting 2.99 quotas yet only electing 2 councillors, must have been a very tight preference exchange.

NSW Council Elections: Blue Mountains Booth Results

Next up we have the Blue Mountains booth results. First ward - we see a few booth wins for Labor and a few for The Greens with the Liberals winning most, second and 3third wards dominated by the Liberals with Labor dominating the fourth.

NSW Council Elections 2012: Blacktown Booth Results

In this post and ones to follow I'll be embedding the booth results from the recent NSW Council elections for selected councils, starting with Blacktown. See the tabs at the bottom for other wards. If you have any questions feel free to post a comment or ask me on twitter

Saturday, September 15, 2012

2012 NSW Council Elections - candidates elected by council

Will be continually updated as more results come in

Payments made to parties after 2010 election.

This spreadsheet is in response to a post on Facebook about compulsory. I'm using it to show why the parties probably aren't to keen to get rid of compulsory voting while we have the current public funding model - to receive funding a candidate must receive at least 4% of the first preference vote (single electorate or senate race, not nation-wide) The amount paid per vote for the 2010 election was 231.191 cents.

Document dump

Been making a few political spreadheets lately, have decided to publish them all on this blog now to make them easier to link to. Stay tuned.
All content that comes from Wikipedia is used under license. Terms available here