Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Live U.S Election blog.

3:20pm (11:20pm)
McCain gives his concession speech. Boos and cries of "Bullshit" ring out when he tells the crowd he rang Obama to congratulate him. Strangely cheers and claps when he says that's it's good to see an African-American elected to the White House. Shouts of "No" when he says "Join with me in coming together to work with the new President" More boos then chanting of "John McCain, John Mcain" when McCain says "Thought we fought hard we fell short the blame is mine and mine alone" Cindy McCain gets a cheer when John mentions her and thanks her. The biggest cheer goes up when McCain thanks Sarah Palin.

3:05pm (11:05pm)
Virginia given to Obama by CBS.

Close states
Florida(84%) - Obama leads 51%-49% (158,170 votes)
North Carolina(92%) 50%-50% (McCain leads by 2,839 votes)
Indiana(94%) Obama leads 50%-49% (7977 votes)
Missouri (29%) McCain leads 50%-49% (17,840 votes)

3pm (11pm)
Obama projected to win California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii and the Presidency
Obama 284 - 145

2:15pm (10:15pm)
2% in from McCain's jome state of Arizona, Obama leads 55%-44%
EDIT: A little bit more in, McCain now leads 55%-44%

2pm (10pm)
Results from close states
Florida(64%) - Obama leads 51%-49% (86,845 votes)
North Carolina - Obama leads 50%-49% (44,259 votes)
Virginia - Obama leads 50%-49% (12,282 votes)
Indiana - McCain leads 50%-49% (4,765 votes)

1:50pm (9:50pm)
Mississippi called for McCain
Electoral Vote Projection
Obama 200 - McCain 130

1:22pm (9:22pm)
ABC projects Obama will win Ohio
12% counted there, Obama leads 56%-43%

1:15pm (9:15pm)
Maine(3%) - Obama leads 66%-32%
Massachusetts(19%) - Obama leads 62%-36%
Connecticut(23%) - Obama leads 65%-34%
New Jersey(18%) - Obama leads 53%-46%
New Hampshire(17%) - Obama leads 57%-43%
Vermont(17%) - Obama leads 66%-33%
Florida(48%) - Obama leads 52%-48%
Michigan(6%) - McCain leads 52%-47%
Illisnois(9%) - Obama leads 63%-36%
Oklahoma(13%) - McCain leads 60%-40%
Tennessee(23%) - McCain leads 58%-41%
Alabama(3%) - McCain leads 55%-44%
Georgia(39%) - Mccain leads 60%-39%
South Carolina(32%) - McCain leads 57%-42%
Indiana(65%) - McCain leads 51%-48%
West Virginia(20%) - McCain leads 52%-46%
Virginia(67%) - McCain leads 50%-49%
South Dakota(10%) - McCain leads 51%-47%

1pm (9pm)
More states being projected.

Obama now is projected to win Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, DC, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota

McCain projected to win North Dakota, Georgia, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky and South Carolina

Projected Electoral Votes
Obama 174 - McCain 76

12:30pm (8:30pm)
ABC projects McCain will win Arkansas

Obama 102 - McCain 49

12pm (8pm)
ABC projects New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Delaware, and DC for Obama

Tennessee and Oklahoma for McCain

Obama now leads 102 - 34
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11:55am (7:55pm)Indiana(24%) - McCain leads 50%-49%
Kentucky(21%) - Mccain leads 57%-42%
Florida (10%) - Obama leads 58%-42%
Virginia (14%) - McCain leads 56%-44%
ABC has called South Carolina for McCain

11:35am (7:35pm)
Florida(2%) - Obama leads 57%-43%
Virginia(4%) - MCain leads 56%-44%

11:25am (7:22pm)
Indiana(12%) - McCain leads 51%-48%

11:15am AEST(7:15pm EST)
Indiana(8%) counted - Obama leads 50%-49%
Virginia(1%) counted - McCain leads 55%-44%
Kentucky(12%) counted - McCain leads 54%-44%

11:00am AEST (7:00am EST)
Channel 9 is showing ABC america's brodacast, Channel 7 is using NBC, CNN and their won correspondents. I'm watching 9 so most of my info will come from ABC. Based on Exit Polls ABC is Projecting Kentucky for McCain and Vermont for Obama
Current Electoral Vote Tally
McCain: 8 leads Obama 3

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