The federal government has green-lighted its highly controversial mandatory ISP filtering plan.FULL STORY
COMMENT: Say goodbye to the youth vote Kevin.
The federal government has green-lighted its highly controversial mandatory ISP filtering plan.FULL STORY
That linear regression is statistically significant to so many decimal places that I had to go into the guts of my stats software to find a value that wasn’t zero. The p-value of the linear regression is 0.000001 (rounded up), meaning that there is less than a 1 in one million chance that the long term increase in demand we are witnessing could be due to chance alone. It’s a slow grinding increase, but a consistent one regardless of the local, short term variation involved.
If you were a government facing that kind of data, there would be absolutely no hesitation at all, on either side of politics, to plan for a future which contains that increasing demand for this particular service. There might be political differences over how to do it, maybe even on what ought to be done – but there would be universal acceptance of the empirical reality of increasing demand, albeit one that contains significant variation at any given time. Similarly, if you were a business or an industry facing that sort of data on the demand for your own product, there would be universal action to deal with it. In fact – you would struggle to find anyone that would suggest such data doesn’t have an observable and statistically significant linear trend over time strong enough to warrant acting on.
Yet – the data above isn’t actually polling data about demand for a government service...
While a shadow minister, Tony Abbott, was never afraid of speaking bluntly in a manner that was at odds with Coalition policy.
Bradfield voters have above average education. Those smart enough to see the advantage of having a local independent for 12 months can be independent also in allocating their preferences.
Some will vote for all the independents first,concerned that Bradfield has not been represented by a long-term resident since 1996.
Many voters have told me that they will put me first and then follow their traditional party allegiance.
However all boxes must be numbered from 1 to 22. If you make a mistake, ask for a new ballot paper.
Hint: start with a 1 in box 12, finish with a 22 in box 16
Note: It's really only first-preferences that make an impression for a party like ours. Your second and following preferences will decide between Liberal, Labor etc.
ASQUITH | Asquith Public School Dudley St | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
KILLARA | Beaumont Road Public School 17 Beaumont Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
CHATSWOOD | Chatswood Public School Pacific Hwy | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
LINDFIELD | Cromehurst Special School 8 Nelson Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
CHATSWOOD | Dougherty Community Centre 7 Victor St | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
GORDON | Gordon East Public School Rosedale Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
PYMBLE | Gordon West Public School Ryde Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
HORNSBY | Hornsby Hospital Palmerston Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
HORNSBY | Hornsby Youth and Community Centre Cnr Muriel and Burdett Sts | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
GORDON | Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council Chambers 818 Pacific Hwy | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
LANE COVE NORTH | Mowbray Primary School 635 Mowbray Rd West | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
PYMBLE | Pymble Public School Crown Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
PYMBLE | Sacred Heart Parish Hall cnr Pacific Hwy & Bobbin Head Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
CHATSWOOD | Salvation Army Chatswood Cnr Archer and Johnson Sts | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ROSEVILLE | St Andrew's Church 1 Bancroft Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ROSEVILLE | St Barnabas' Anglican Church 30 William St East | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ST IVES | St Ives Community Hall Village Green, Memorial Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ST IVES | St Ives High School Yarrabung Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ST IVES | St Ives North Public School 87 Memorial Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
ST IVES CHASE | St Ives North Scout Hall Warrimoo Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
TURRAMURRA | Turramurra Uniting Church Hall Turramurra Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
WAHROONGA | Waitara Public School Edgeworth David Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
WARRAWEE | Warrawee Public School Pacific Hwy | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access | |
TURRAMURRA NORTH | Lady Davidson Hospital Bobbin Head Rd | 8am - 6pm | Yes | |
CHATSWOOD | Chatswood Guide Hall Anglo St | 8am - 6pm | No | |
CHATSWOOD WEST | Holy Trinity Church Hall 44 Beaconsfield Rd | 8am - 6pm | No | |
HORNSBY | Hornsby Girls High School Edgeworth David Ave | 8am - 6pm | No | |
SOUTH TURRAMURRA | KU South Turramurra Preschool 10A Auluba Rd | 8am - 6pm | No | |
LINDFIELD | Lindfield Primary School Pacific Hwy | 8am - 6pm | No | |
WEST PYMBLE | Pymble West Public School Apollo Ave | 8am - 6pm | No | |
ST IVES | St Ives Park Public School 7 Acron Road | 8am - 6pm | No | |
TURRAMURRA | St James' Anglican Church Hall King St | 8am - 6pm | No | |
KILLARA | St Martin's Anglican Church Hall 9b Arnold St | 8am - 6pm | No | |
TURRAMURRA | Turramurra North Public School Bobbin Head Rd | 8am - 6pm | No | |
SOUTH TURRAMURRA | Turramurra Public School Kissing Point Rd | 8am - 6pm | No | |
WAHROONGA | Wahroonga Presbyterian Church Hall cnr Stuart St & Illoura Ave | 8am - 6pm | No | |
WAHROONGA | Wahroonga Public School 71 Burns Rd | 8am - 6pm | No |
ARMADALE | Armadale Primary School Densham Rd | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
ARMADALE | Lauriston Girls School 38 Huntingtower Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
ARMADALE | Malvern Memorial Kindergarten 15 Orchard Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
ASHBURTON | Craig Family Centre 7 Samarinda Ave | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
ASHBURTON | Ashburton Primary School Fakenham Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
ASHBURTON | Solway Primary School Winton Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
CAMBERWELL | Camberwell Primary School 290 Camberwell Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
CAMBERWELL | Camberwell Church of Christ 620 Riversdale Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
CARNEGIE | Carnegie Primary School 51 Truganini Rd | 8am - 6pm | No |
GLEN IRIS | Melbourne Chinese Christian Church 29 Summerhill Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
GLEN IRIS | Sacre Coeur Girls School 172 Burke Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
GLEN IRIS | First Camberwell South Scout Hall Ferndale Park, Glen Iris Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
GLEN IRIS | Gardiner Church of Christ 1542 Malvern Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
GLEN IRIS | Alfred Road Pre School 48a Alfred Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
GLEN IRIS | Camberwell South Primary School Peate Ave | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
GLEN IRIS | Glen Iris Road Uniting Church Glen Iris Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
HUGHESDALE | Oakleigh Greek Orthodox College 77-81 Willesden Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
KOOYONG | Vision Australia 454 Glenferrie Rd | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
MALVERN | Malvern Central School Spring Rd | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
MALVERN | Presbyterian Church Hall 161 Wattletree Road | 8am - 6pm | No |
MALVERN EAST | Malvern Primary School 17 Tooronga Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
MALVERN EAST | Malvern Valley Primary School Abbotsford Avenue | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
MALVERN EAST | Malvern East Primary School Lloyd Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
MALVERN EAST | First Malvern Scout Hall Cooinda Pl, Belgrave Rd | 8am - 6pm | No |
MURRUMBEENA | Murrumbeena Primary School Hobart Rd | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
PRAHRAN | Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School 7 Wynnstay Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
PRAHRAN | Prahran RSL Memorial Hall 301 High Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
PRAHRAN | Old Prahran Theatre 29-31 Macquarie St | 8am - 6pm | No |
SOUTH YARRA | South Yarra Community Baptist Church 12 Surrey Road | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
SOUTH YARRA | Toorak-South Yarra Library 340 Toorak Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
SOUTH YARRA | Renown Kindergarten 20 Cliff Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
SOUTH YARRA | Melbourne Girls Grammar Junior School (Morris Hall) 100 Caroline Street | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
TOORAK | Toorak Uniting Church 603 Toorak Road | 8am - 6pm | Yes |
TOORAK | Toorak Primary School Canterbury Road | 8am - 6pm | No |
TOORAK WEST | Melbourne High School Main vehicle access via Alexandra Ave | 8am - 6pm | Yes (from 679 Chapel St, South Yarra) |
WINDSOR | Stonnington C of C and Community Rec Centre 61-71 McIlwrick | 8am - 6pm | Assisted access |
(1) The Legislative Assembly may be dissolved by the Governor by proclamation, but only in the circumstances authorised by this section.
(2) The Legislative Assembly may be dissolved if:
(a) a motion of no confidence in the Government is passed by the Legislative Assembly (being a motion of which not less than 3 clear days’ notice has been given in the Legislative Assembly), and
(b) during the period commencing on the passage of the motion of no confidence and ending 8 clear days thereafter, the Legislative Assembly has not passed a motion of confidence in the then Government.After the motion of no confidence is passed, the Legislative Assembly may not be prorogued before the end of that 8-day period and may not be adjourned for a period extending beyond that 8-day period, unless the motion of confidence has been passed.
(3) The Legislative Assembly may be dissolved if it:
(a) rejects a Bill which appropriates revenue or moneys for the ordinary annual services of the Government, or
(b) fails to pass such a Bill before the time that the Governor considers that the appropriation is required.This subsection does not apply to a Bill which appropriates revenue or moneys for the Legislature only.
(4) The Legislative Assembly may be dissolved within 2 months before the Assembly is due to expire if the general election would otherwise be required to be held during the same period as a Commonwealth election, during a holiday period or at any other inconvenient time.
(5) This section does not prevent the Governor from dissolving the Legislative Assembly in circumstances other than those specified in subsections (2)-(4), despite any advice of the Premier or Executive Council, if the Governor could do so in accordance with established constitutional conventions.
(6) When deciding whether the Legislative Assembly should be dissolved in accordance with this section, the Governor is to consider whether a viable alternative Government can be formed without a dissolution and, in so doing, is to have regard to any motion passed by the Legislative Assembly expressing confidence in an alternative Government in which a named person would be Premier.
Antony, in response to several posts regarding the number of candidates fielded by the CDP. The CDP believes that the people of Bradfield should have the right to choose the candidate that they want. Traditionally, the major parties enter into a pre-selection process whereby many candidates (often more than the number of CDP candidates in this by election) vie for ‘pre-selection’. This process involves significant consideration of the various factions and inter-factions within the party with a result that the pre-selected candidate is selected by the final equilibrium of all factional forces, and not necessarily by their overall suitability to the role. The voters can then only vote for this single ‘pre selected’ candidate, and are denied choice. This is the case for the single liberal candidate. The CDP believes that the people of Bradfield should do the choosing, and not the factions. As such, we have not pre-selected our candidates. Each candidate contests the seat on their own merit giving the people of Bradfield a richer pool to choose from, and placing into their hands a freedom from internal party prejudices and skewed priorities.
Using Jame's Whitehall's logic we could have 50 people on a ballot paper. 10+ from the Libs, 10+ from Labor 5-10 from the Greens, 5-10 from CDP plus the Independents. To James - would you like to stand there (sometimes in 40 degree heat) and number 50 candidates hoping you don't accidentally make a mistake? What a load of rubbish this whole thing is, we would have a 20% informal vote rate and a lower turnout if this was to happen.