Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gillard's New Ministry

Cabinet Ministers
Julia GillardPrime Minister
Wayne SwanDeputy Prime Minister
Kevin RuddMinister for Foreign Affairs
Chris EvansMinister for Jobs, Skills and Workplace Relations
Simon CreanMinister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government
Minister for the Arts
Stephen SmithMinister for Defence
Nicola RoxonMinister for Health and Ageing
Jenny MacklinMinister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Anthony AlbaneseMinister for Infrastructure and Transport
Stephen ConroyMinister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Digital Productivity
Kim CarrMinister for Innovation, Industry and Science
Penny WongMinister for Finance and Deregulation
Peter GarrettMinister for Schools, Early Childhood and Youth
Robert McClellandAttorney-General
Joseph LudwigMinister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Tony BurkeMinister for Sustainable Population, Communities, Environment and Water
Martin FergusonMinister for Resources, Energy and Tourism
Chris BowenMinister for Immigration and Citizenship
Craig EmersonMinister for Trade
Greg CombetMinister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Tanya PlibersekMinister for Human Services
Minister for Social Inclusion
Brendan O’ConnorMinister for Home Affairs and Justice
Minister for Privacy and FOI
Kate EllisMinister for Employment Participation and Childcare
Mark ArbibMinister for Indigenous Employment and Economic Development
Minister for Sport
Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness
Nick SherryMinister for Small Business
Minister Assisting the Minister for Tourism
Warren SnowdonMinister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Science and Personnel
Bill ShortenAssistant Treasurer
Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation
Mark ButlerMinister for Mental Health and Ageing
Gary GraySpecial Minister of State
Jason ClareMinister for Defence Materiel

Parliamentary Secretaries
David BradburyTreasury
Jacinta CollinsEducation, Employment and Workplace Relations
Julie CollinsFamilies, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Mark DreyfusClimate Change and Energy Efficiency
Cabinet Secretary
Justine ElliotForeign Affairs and Trade
Don FarrellSustainable Population, Communities, Environment and Water
David FeeneyDefence
Mike KellyAgriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Catherine KingHealth and Ageing
Infrastructure and Transport
Kate LundyImmigration and Citizenship
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Richard MarlesForeign Affairs and Trade
Jan McLucasFamilies, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs


  1. glum look. nothing specific on disabilities this time around? or is it one of the parl secs?

  2. Apparently disability is under Human Services and Plibersek will pick her own Parl Sec

  3. What about higher education?

  4. So much for the so-called Education Revolution. No mention of education (as distinct from schools) in Julia Gillard's list of Ministers or Cabinet Ministers. The incompetent Peter Garrett promoted to Minister for Schools, Early Childhood and Youth. And does PM Gillard have any understanding of science, as distinct from the politics of science?

  5. Rumour is Higher Ed might come under Innovation, not confirmed yet though.

  6. Education really should be separate portfolio. Especially since Higher Ed funding continues to be cut, resulting in lowering standards (as seen in the latest world rankings).

    All well and good for them to say "We want 20% of Australians to have a Bachelor's degree by 2025" but it means naught if they don't follow it up with funding.

    And it seems obvious now that despite the posturing to secure the independent's votes, Regional Australia is not seen as important, given that portfolio has been given as a "double" portfolio, along with Arts.

    I also think keeping Conroy in the Communications portfolio is a mistake and that Arbib's stack of portfolios means that NSW Labor Right style politics is still going to be in vogue.

  7. Well Julia with Rudd in Foreign Affairs you had better watch your back, he was a low grade diplomat,and when he was PM he had no respect from other world leaders as they thought him to egotistical, and had no substance/policy about him, Stephen Smith is a good man and you shafted him.Another thing for goodness sake STOP waving your hands all over the place when you are talking you look like blind Freddy searching for somethingYour reign as Pm will be short make the most of it as Rudd and his cronies will try to derail you in a sneaky way you can bet on that,Why is there not a dedicated Minister for Education, isnt that portfolio important enough?
    Will you be helping Old Age pensioners,Veitnam vets,Carers with a lump sum payment in December,? I still congratulate you as our first female Pm but Tread carefully for Rudd and his cronies will pounce at your first mistake,


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