Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Newspoll: Voters desert the Coalition
Primary Vote
Labor - 48% (up from 42% on last Newspoll and 43.3% at the election)
Coalition - 35% (down from 38% on last Newspoll and 42.1% at the election)
Greens - 10% (down from 11% on the last Newspoll, up from 7.8% at the election)
Others - 7% (down from 9% on the last newspoll, up from 6.8% at the last election)
2PP Vote
Labor 59% - Coalition 41% (up from 55-45 on the last Newspoll and 52.7-47.3 at the election)
Satisfied - 70% (up from 67%)
Dissatisfied - 21% (up from 20%)
Uncommitted - 9% (down from 13%)
Satisfied - 47% (down from 52%)
Dissatisfied - 32% (up from 27%)
Uncommitted - 21% (steady)
Better PM
Rudd - 66% (up from 63%)
Turnbull - 19% (down from 21%)
Uncommitted - 15% (down from 16%)
Dennis Shanahan's take here
Mumble predicts Joe Hockey will be the Liberal leader at the next election
Poll Bludger reckons the results would have been worse if Nelson was still there.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The target emissions cut: Your say.
FEDERAL cabinet is finalising a cautious emissions trading scheme offering higher compensation to big trade-exposed polluters and a "soft" start in pollution-reduction targets.
With concern growing in the Rudd cabinet about the emissions trading scheme's potential to exacerbate already rising unemployment, particularly in crucial marginal regional seats, the target range for the regime to be released on Monday week is widely expected to be between 5 per cent and 15 per cent by 2020. But the emissions trading white paper will tie Australian emissions reduction targets to the ambition of next year's Copenhagen agreement on cutting global greenhouse gas emissions.
Article at The Australian
What do you think the cut will be? The thinking is between 5-15%. Do you think is enough? Too much? Have your say by leaving a comment below.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Population change and allocation of seats.
New South Wales - 48.2 - 48 seats, down from 49
Victoria - 36.6 - 37 seats unchanged
Queensland - 29.6 - 30 seats, up one from 29
Western Australia - 14.9 - 15 seats unchanged
South Australia - 11.0 - 11 seats unchanged
Tasmania - 3.4 - 5 seats unchanged.
The original states are guaranteed a minimum representation of five seats, so Tasmania retains five seats despite only having a quota for 3 seats.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Former deputy PM Frank Crean has died aged 92
Frank, the father of former Labor leader Simon Crean was first elected to the Victorian Legislative Assembly in 1945 but was defeated in 1947. He was re-elected in 1949
n 1951 Crean quit state politics to stand for the safe Labor seat of Melbourne Ports in the House of Representatives. Crean advanced rapidly, in 1956 he was elected to the Opposition front-bench and became in effect shadow Treasurer (although Labor did not have a formal shadow ministry until 1969), a position he held for 16 years.
During the 1960s Crean was sometimes considered as a possible party leader, but his rather plodding public image meant that he was overtaken by Gough Whitlam, who became leader in 1967. When Whitlam finally led Labor to office at the 1972 election, Crean became Treasurer, although Whitlam had no real confidence in him.
Crean was unfortunate that his time as Treasurer coincided with the onset of high inflation and rising unemployment. He did not trust the orthodox economic advice he was getting from the Treasury, but he lacked the authority to challenge it. The leader of the Labor Left, Dr Jim Cairns, attacked Crean's policies in the Cabinet, and in December 1974 Whitlam gave Cairns the Treasury and moved Crean to the Trade portfolio.
In July 1975 Whitlam sacked Cairns over his involvement in the Loans Affair, and Crean was elected party Deputy Leader and Deputy Prime Minister in his place. He held this position until the dismissal of the Whitlam government in November 1975. After the elections he contested the leadership but was defeated by Whitlam.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Robert doyle the new Lord Mayor of Melbourne.
Mr Doyle won with 26.6 per cent of the primary vote ahead of Catherine Ng.
At one stage yesterday, it looked likely that Ms Ng could spring a surprise victory.
Ms Ng had secured just 10.8 per cent of the primary vote, but distribution of preferences vaulted her into contention.
Mr Doyle's victory was eventually secured with Labor member Peter McMullin's preferences.
"It's extraordinary that Labor has helped to elect Doyle," rival candidate Gary Morgan said.
"I can't remember anything like it."
The Greens' Adam Bandt had the second-highest primary vote of 15 per cent, but did not benefit from preferences.
The results were a major disappointment for Labor and Mr McMullin, whose expensive and aggressive campaign yielded just 12.5 per cent.
The new councillors (in order of election) are: Carl Jetter, Cathy Oke, Kevin Louey, Peter Clark, Ken Ong, Brian Shanahan, Jennifer Kanas.
Voter turnout for both was around 62%.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Lee Rhiannon urges Rees to use COAG to push for more Health Funding
Referring to the crisis facing acute hospital care identified yesterday in the report by Commissioner Peter Garling SC, Ms Rhiannon said "The Garling Report focused on acute care hospital services but the crisis will not dissipate unless the Rees government invests heavily in health prevention and early intervention services,"
"Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's offer to the states of $450 million for preventative health is a start, but much more is needed to arrest pressures on the NSW hospital system.
"2008 figures from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that NSW spending on public health as a proportion of total recurrent health spending is in decline, with NSW below the national average." Ms Rhiannon said.
Source: Greens media release.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's statement on Mumbai
As we speak, these events continue to unfold, but we understand that up to 80 people have been killed and some 250 injured. Our sympathy and condolences go to the victims and to their families. Attackers may still be in the hotels, and there are reports that hostages have been taken.
The government is seeking to confirm as a matter of urgency the safety and welfare of Australians who may be affected. We have 317 Australians registered with us as being in Mumbai. There are likely to be more than that. Our consular staff are currently attempting to contact all the Australians who are registered. At least two Australians have been injured, and our thoughts are with them and their families. I am advised that Australian casualties may rise.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been in contact with the families of those who have been known to be injured so far and with their families in Australia and is providing consular assistance on the ground in Mumbai. Australians who are concerned about the welfare of loved ones can contact a hotline that has been established by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The number of the consular hotline is 1800 002 214. I have just now spoken to the Australian High Commissioner to India, who is in Mumbai and leading the government’s response. Officials from the Australian Consulate-General in Mumbai and the Australian High Commission in New Delhi are checking with local authorities and hotel owners to determine exactly how many Australians may have been caught up in these incidents.
The group that has claimed responsibility for this attack calls itself the Deccan Mujahideen. Together with other ministers, I have just attended a meeting of the National Security Committee of the cabinet. At this stage, little is known about this group—at least, a group using that name. But whichever group has perpetrated this attack, they are cowards—absolute cowards—and murderers.
It is likely to take some time to identify all the perpetrators. This cowardly attack on India’s stability, peace and democracy reminds us all that international terrorism is far from defeated and that we must all maintain our vigilance. We have to continue to work closely with our allies and partners around the world to defeat terrorism.
In the light of this attack, we have today reissued our travel advice for India. The advice says that Australians should avoid travel to Mumbai at this time. I would encourage all Australians to read the advice carefully. We are offering, through the Australian Federal Police, assistance with counterterrorism and forensics policing to the Indian authorities and any other assistance which may be of direct relevance at this critical time. We stand ready to assist India in any way it needs right now.
This latest attack on Indian peace, stability and democracy reminds us again of the need to remain forever vigilant. I remind all honourable members of this: this is an unfolding event; it is a serious incident, and it is therefore of deep concern and distress to all Australian families who have members of their families in India and/or in Mumbai at this time.
I would join with all members in offering our thoughts and prayers at this time, given the great uncertainties which continue.
Senator Coonan condemns Mumbai Terrorist Attacks.
Speaking this morning Senator Coonan said “The Coalition expresses its deepest sympathy for the victims of these attacks and their families, those responsible for these serial attacks in Mumbai have launched a cowardly assault on the values of freedom and democracy in India.
It is also an assault on all of us that share the values of free societies.
I, together with all Australians, condemn the perpetrators of these cowardly and frightful attacks which demonstrate in the clearest terms that terrorist groups are active in South Asia,”
“The Coalition understands that the Australian Government and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade are providing consular assistance to Australian nationals in India, as well as to relatives in Australia,” Senator Coonan said.
Source: Liberal Party media
Relatives can seek further information through the DFAT hotline on 1300 555 135.
A sad day for the Australian Democrats
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Victorian Council Elections
Banyule, Brimbank, Greater Dandenong, Glen Eira, Hbsons Bay, Knox, Moreland, Port Phillip & Yarra. All the others use postal voting.
If you would like any further information feel free to leave a comment.
The most watched contest will be for Melbourne Lord Mayor. The candidate teams are as follows (Team names link to candidate statement provided to the Victorian Electoral Commission, Lord Mayor candidate names link to candidate, team or party website if available.)
p.s Yes, the Gary Morgan in this list is THE Gary Morgan of Roy Morgan Research fame.
(Note: The "C Melbourne Grow site won't work when clicking a link. To visit the site copy/paste the link into your address bar)
Team Name | Lord Mayor | Deputy Mayor |
Active Melbourne | Robert Doyle | Susan Riley |
C Melbourne Grow | Catherine Ng | Terry Makings |
Shifting the Burden | Joseph Toscano | Margaret Ely |
Passion for Melbourne | Nick Columb | Sue Calwell |
The Greens | Adam Bandt | Kathleen Maltzham |
Melbourne Supercity World | Robert Crawford | Michael Kennedy |
Residents Equity | Shelley Roberts | Abdiaziz Farah |
Team Melbourne | Gary Singer | Joanne Painter |
Fowles A Fresh Vision | Will Fowles | David Wilson |
McMullin-Wilson For Melbourne's Future | Peter McMullin | Tim Wilson |
Our City - Your Council | Gary Morgan | Michele Anderson |
I don't normally do this but having looked through the Candidate statements, if was voting I would vote for The Greens or Shifting the Burden. Let me know in the comments who feel is the best team for Melbourne.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Liberal Party website offers fake Rudd merchandise.
THE Liberals have begun to toy with Kevin Rudd.
The Kevin Rudd Decisive Action Doll is just one of the items available at a mock memorabilia site set up by the Liberal Party to celebrate the Prime Minister's one year anniversary.
The ruddshop.com website has pictures, watches, dvds and books all dedicated to lampooning Mr Rudd's first year in office.
The Kevin Rudd Decisive Action Doll is said to "feature real voice recordings of all your favourite Rudd catch-cries: 'My challenge to you is this…', 'The buck stops with me', 'On the question of…', and many more."
The toys section also includes the Kevin Rudd Model Plane with the accompanying pitch: "Now you can fly whenever and wherever you like – just like Kevin Rudd!"
News.com.au article
Fake shop
Obviously, that is "non-core" merchandise. Well that is what the Liberal Party will claim when they don't deliver it. All of our Rudd merchandise is real.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kate Ellis turns down $30,000 zoo shoot.

Federal Minister for Youth and Sport Kate Ellis has turned an offer of $30,000 to pose for men's magazine Zoo Weekly. "She had a chuckle at the idea but has decided against it,'' her spokesman told Zoo. Zoo editor Paul Merrill said he was very disappointed.
"It's easy to see why so many members stand to attention when they catch a glimpse of Kate,'' Merrill said. "We're naturally sad that she's turned down a shoot and deprived her constituents of a much needed morale boost in this global recession. "But Zoo is starting the campaign today to make her our next prime minister anyway.''
A few weeks ago Minister Ellis was voted sexiest Australian MP by her peers.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Julie Bishop on Good News Week
Paul McDermott(the host): Let's start with word association
Julie Bishop: Ok
PM: Opposition
JB: Temporary
PM: Malcolm
JB: Prime Minister
PM: Bi-partisanship
JB: Over-rated
PM: Power
JB: Girl
PM: Let's go deeper
JB: Let's
PM: What's it like being a woman in Federal Politics?
JB: well I've never been a man in Federal Politics...so it's so of hard to compare.
PM: What's your dream job?
JB: Treasurer
PM: Who are less trustworthy, lawyers or politicians?
JB: well they're both better than journalists.
Paul then asked Julie what's the most embarrassing thing she will admit on TV and she told a very weird story about being the youngest sister and one day her 2 oldest sisters were on the swings and wouldn't let Julie have a turn no matter how much she she cried or screamed so she went to shed and grabbed an axe and started hacking at the swings. Her mum came out and said "Julie put the axe down, girls get off the swings. This prompted Claire Hooper to say "I hope Malcolm knows this story"
UPDATE: The full episode will be available on the video section of the GNW website (here) soon.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Zealand Votes.
Been having internet problems. Anyway, Clark has conceded
National 46%
Labour 34%
Green 6.5%
NZ First 4.3%
Act 3.7%
Maori 2.2%
United Future 0.9%
Progressives 0.9%
98.0% votes counted
National 59
Labour 43
Green 8
Act 5
Maori 5
Progressive 1
United Future 1
(The parties likely to form a coalition are in bold)
Percentages still looking the same. They may change when bigger non-rural booths report in which should life the Labour vote a bit.
Winston Peters getting smashed by National in Tauranga. Looks like there will be no seats for the NZ First party as their party vote is under the 5% threshold.
6pm (8pm)
Antony Green reckons "The chances of national getting a majority in their own right do not look good. But National plus ACT are still looking good. Now TVNZ are publishing their prediction, I can report the models are looking like National 45.6, Labor 36.1."
5:50pm (7:50pm)
4.6% counted. National is on 49%, Labour 32%, Greens 6%, Others 13%. At the moment National looks like winning 63 seats, Labour 40, Greens 8, Maori 5, ACT 4, and JAP and UF 1 each.
New Zealanders have gone to the polls today to elect their new government. The polls point to a National minority government with the support of ACT NZ, United Future and maybe the Maori Party. Results will be updated here starting at 7pm NZ time (5pm AEDT)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Live U.S Election blog.
McCain gives his concession speech. Boos and cries of "Bullshit" ring out when he tells the crowd he rang Obama to congratulate him. Strangely cheers and claps when he says that's it's good to see an African-American elected to the White House. Shouts of "No" when he says "Join with me in coming together to work with the new President" More boos then chanting of "John McCain, John Mcain" when McCain says "Thought we fought hard we fell short the blame is mine and mine alone" Cindy McCain gets a cheer when John mentions her and thanks her. The biggest cheer goes up when McCain thanks Sarah Palin.
3:05pm (11:05pm)
Virginia given to Obama by CBS.
Close states
Florida(84%) - Obama leads 51%-49% (158,170 votes)
North Carolina(92%) 50%-50% (McCain leads by 2,839 votes)
Indiana(94%) Obama leads 50%-49% (7977 votes)
Missouri (29%) McCain leads 50%-49% (17,840 votes)
3pm (11pm)
Obama projected to win California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii and the Presidency
Obama 284 - 145
2:15pm (10:15pm)
2% in from McCain's jome state of Arizona, Obama leads 55%-44%
EDIT: A little bit more in, McCain now leads 55%-44%
2pm (10pm)
Results from close states
Florida(64%) - Obama leads 51%-49% (86,845 votes)
North Carolina - Obama leads 50%-49% (44,259 votes)
Virginia - Obama leads 50%-49% (12,282 votes)
Indiana - McCain leads 50%-49% (4,765 votes)
1:50pm (9:50pm)
Mississippi called for McCain
Electoral Vote Projection
Obama 200 - McCain 130
1:22pm (9:22pm)
ABC projects Obama will win Ohio
12% counted there, Obama leads 56%-43%
1:15pm (9:15pm)
Maine(3%) - Obama leads 66%-32%
Massachusetts(19%) - Obama leads 62%-36%
Connecticut(23%) - Obama leads 65%-34%
New Jersey(18%) - Obama leads 53%-46%
New Hampshire(17%) - Obama leads 57%-43%
Vermont(17%) - Obama leads 66%-33%
Florida(48%) - Obama leads 52%-48%
Michigan(6%) - McCain leads 52%-47%
Illisnois(9%) - Obama leads 63%-36%
Oklahoma(13%) - McCain leads 60%-40%
Tennessee(23%) - McCain leads 58%-41%
Alabama(3%) - McCain leads 55%-44%
Georgia(39%) - Mccain leads 60%-39%
South Carolina(32%) - McCain leads 57%-42%
Indiana(65%) - McCain leads 51%-48%
West Virginia(20%) - McCain leads 52%-46%
Virginia(67%) - McCain leads 50%-49%
South Dakota(10%) - McCain leads 51%-47%
1pm (9pm)
More states being projected.
Obama now is projected to win Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, DC, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota
McCain projected to win North Dakota, Georgia, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky and South Carolina
Projected Electoral Votes
Obama 174 - McCain 76
12:30pm (8:30pm)
ABC projects McCain will win Arkansas
Obama 102 - McCain 49
12pm (8pm)
ABC projects New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Delaware, and DC for Obama
Tennessee and Oklahoma for McCain
Obama now leads 102 - 34

11:55am (7:55pm)Indiana(24%) - McCain leads 50%-49%
Kentucky(21%) - Mccain leads 57%-42%
Florida (10%) - Obama leads 58%-42%
Virginia (14%) - McCain leads 56%-44%
ABC has called South Carolina for McCain
11:35am (7:35pm)
Florida(2%) - Obama leads 57%-43%
Virginia(4%) - MCain leads 56%-44%
11:25am (7:22pm)
Indiana(12%) - McCain leads 51%-48%
11:15am AEST(7:15pm EST)
Indiana(8%) counted - Obama leads 50%-49%
Virginia(1%) counted - McCain leads 55%-44%
Kentucky(12%) counted - McCain leads 54%-44%
11:00am AEST (7:00am EST)
Channel 9 is showing ABC america's brodacast, Channel 7 is using NBC, CNN and their won correspondents. I'm watching 9 so most of my info will come from ABC. Based on Exit Polls ABC is Projecting Kentucky for McCain and Vermont for Obama
Current Electoral Vote Tally
McCain: 8 leads Obama 3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Some Hubdub predictions about the U.S Election.
on 3rd Nov 08

Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
ACT Election: Elected Candidates
Labor - 7
Liberal - 6
Greens - 4
1st - Brendan Smyth (Liberal)
2nd - Steve Doszpot (Liberal)
3rd - Amanda Bresnan (Greens)
4th - John Hargreaves (Labor)
5th - Joy Burch (Labor)
1st - Jon Stanhope (Labor)
2nd - Meredith Hunter (Greens)
3rd - Alastair Coe (Liberal)
4th - Mary Porter (Labor)
5th - Vicki Dunne (Liberal)
1st - Zed Seselja (Liberal)
2nd - Katy Gallagher (Labor)
3rd - Shane Rattenbury (Greens)
4th - Andrew Barr (Labor)
5th - Jeremy Hanson (Liberal)
6th - Simon Corbell (Labor)
7th - Caroline Le Couter (Greens)
Counting contiues in the ACT election.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
U.S Presidential Election - If the Bradley effect comes in to play.
Using date from pollster.com and factoring 5% for the Bradley effect we end up with 276 electoral votes to Obama (270 needed to win) and 262 for McCain.

NSW by-elections: Average swing
Party | Average Swing % |
Liberal | 18.83 |
Labor | -16.23 |
CDP | 1.5 |
Greens | 4.7 |
NSW Elections: Final results and some charts
Cabramatta Primary vote and swing.
Lakemba Primary Vote and Swing
Port Macquarie Primary Vote and Swing
(Peter Besseling's swing is the swing compared to Rob Oakeshott's vote and is used for comparison)
Ryde Primary Vote and Swing
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
NSW by-election and ACT election update.
UPDATE: No preference results for ACT as of 8:15pm
The by-election results below have been updated with pre-poll votes added. Results with postal votes will be updated once they are counted. The full results and distribution of preferences are expected to be available 6:30pm Wednesday.
The ACT results have been updated with postal. The distribution of preferences with final results of elected candidates are expected to be available 7:30pm tonight. I will post another post with the elected candidates once they are available.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Live NSW by-election results
Last Update: Thursday, 23rd 12:30pm
Cabramatta - Turnout: 86.1%
Party/Name | Vote % | Swing |
Greens | 9 | +2.1% |
Joseph Adams | 1.5 | +1.5% |
Liberal | 36.5 | +20.2% |
Labor | 51 | -18.1% |
Alasdair McDonald | 0.4 | +0.4% |
Chrisitan Democrats | 1.6 | +1.6% |
Informal = 3%
Cabramatta 2PP
Labor 57.2% - Liberals 42.8%
2PP swing to Liberals = 21.8%
Lakemaba - Turnout: 80.4%
Party/Name | Vote % | Swing |
CDP | 3.3 | +1.4% |
Greens | 12.3 | +8.4% |
Robert Aitken | 1.4 | +1.4% |
CDP (2) | 1.2 | -0.8% |
Labor | 58.2 | -15.6% |
Liberal | 23.7 | +10.6% |
Informal = 3.9%
Lakemba 2PP
Labor 70.5% - Liberals 29.5%
2PP swing to Liberals = 13.5%
Ryde - Turnout: 83.6%
Party/Name | Vote % | Swing |
Victor Taffa | 3.0 | +3.0% |
Greens | 11.2 | +3.3% |
Liberals | 54.3 | +25.7% |
Labor | 29.8 | -15% |
Democrats | 1.7 | +0.3% |
Informal = 2%
Ryde 2PP
Liberal 63% -Labor 37%
2PP Swing to Liberals = 23%
Port Macquarie - Turnout: 88.5%
Party/Name | Vote % | Swing |
James Langley | 4.9 | +4.9% |
Chrisitan Democrats | 1.2 | +1.2% |
Lisa Intemann | 7.5 | +7.5% |
Greens | 4.7 | +1.9% |
Nationals | 33.7 | +14.2% |
Tony Galati | 1 | +1% |
Grant Rogers | 0.5 | +0.5% |
Bob Sharpham | 1.9 | +1.9% |
Peter Bessling | 35.9 | -31.2% |
Jamie Harrison | 8.3 | +8.3% |
Cameron Price | 0.3 | +0.3% |
Informal = 1.8%
Port Macquarie 2PP
Peter Besseling 54.5% - Nationals 45.5%
2PP swing to Nationals = 23.7%
Live ACT Election results.
Total State Wide Vote - 88.2% counted.
Party | Vote % | Swing | Won | Likely | In Doubt | Prediction |
Labor | 37.4 | -9.4% | 6 | 1 | 0 | 7 |
Liberal | 31.5 | -3.3% | 5 | 0 | 2 | 7 |
Greens | 15.6 | +6.3% | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
Other | 15.5 | +6.5% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brindibella - 90.7% counted
Party | Votes | Vote % | Quotas | Swing |
Labor | 22,685 | 36.5 | 2.18 | -9% |
Liberals | 21,875 | 35.3 | 2.12 | -5.2% |
Greens | 8,440 | 13.6 | 0.82 | +6.4% |
Community Alliance | 4,771 | 7.6 | 0.46 | +7.6 |
Motorist Party | 4,332 | 7.1 | 0.42 | +5.7 |
Ginninderra - 87.8% counted.
Party | Votes | Vote % | Quotas | Swing |
Labor | 23,239 | 40.2 | 2.41 | -9.9% |
Liberals | 15,926 | 27.6 | 1.66 | -4.8% |
Greens | 8,032 | 13.9 | 0.83 | +5.7% |
Ungrouped | 5,111 | 8.8 | 0.53 | +6.9 |
Motorist Party | 3,559 | 6.3 | 0.36 | +6.3 |
Community Alliance | 1,841 | 3.1 | 0.19 | +3.1 |
Molonglo - 86.7% counted.
Party | Votes | Vote % | Quotas | Swing |
Labor | 31,423 | 36.2 | 2.90 | -9.8% |
Liberal | 27,397 | 31.5 | 2.52 | -0.8% |
Greens | 15,821 | 18.1 | 1.46 | +6.5% |
Pangallo Inds | 4,225 | 4.9 | 0.39 | +4.9% |
Motorist Party | 2,430 | 2.9 | 0.21 | +2.9% |
Mulcahy Canberra | 2,323 | 2.8 | 0.21 | +2.8% |
Ungrouped | 1,624 | 1.9 | 0.15 | -1.2% |
Community Alliance | 996 | 1.3 | 0.08 | +1.1% |
Liberal Democrats | 781 | 0.9 | 0.07 | -0.9% |
Friday, October 17, 2008
Port Macquarie Polling Places
Premises | Address | Unique Polling Place Name |
Bonny Hills Community Hall | Graham Street, Bonny Hills NSW 2445 | Bonny Hills |
Camden Haven High School | Valley View Road, KEW NSW 2439 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Kew |
Coopernook Public Hall | Macquarie Street, Coopernook NSW 2426 | Coopernook |
Dunbogan Jubilee Hall | The Boulevarde, DUNBOGAN NSW 2443 | Dunbogan |
Emerald Downs Community Centre | Emerald Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Emerald Downs |
Hannam Vale Public School | 1159 Hannam Vale Road, Hannam Vale NSW 2443 | Hannam Vale |
Harrington Public School | High Street, HARRINGTON NSW 2427 | Harrington |
Hastings Public School | Wainora Parkway, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Port Macquarie South |
Herons Creek Public School | 5499 Pacific Highway, Herons Creek NSW 2443 | Herons Creek |
Johns River Public School | Station Street, Johns River NSW 2443 | John Rivers |
Kendall War Memorial Hall | Graham Street, Kendall NSW 2439 | Kendall |
King Creek Rural Fire Station | Narran Close, King Creek NSW 2446 | King Creek |
Lake Cathie Community Hall | Mullaway Road, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Lake Cathie |
Lansdowne Public School | Macquarie Street, Lansdowne NSW 2430 | Lansdowne |
Laurieton School Of Arts Hall | Bold Street, Laurieton NSW 2443 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Laurieton |
Lord Howe Island Central School | Lagoon Road, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Lord Howe Island |
Lorne Recreation Centre | 941 Stewarts River Road, Lorne NSW 2439 | Lorne |
Moorland Public School | 15 Church Street, Moorland NSW 2443 | Moorland |
North Haven Public School | Ocean Drive, NORTH HAVEN NSW 2443 | North Haven |
North Shore Rural Fire Station | Shoreline Drive, Riverside NSW 2444 | Port Macquarie North Shore |
Port Macquaire Base Hospital | Wrights Road, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Port Macquarie Base |
Port Macquarie High School | Owen Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Port Macquarie East |
Port Macquarie Lions Club | Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Hibbard |
Port Macquarie Public School | Grant Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Port Macquarie Central |
Port Macquarie Shop 2 | 155 Horton Street, PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Port Macquarie |
St Columba Anglican School | 3 Iona Avenue, PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 | Major Innes |
St Josephs High School Regional Campus | Warlters Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Settlement Shores |
St Peter The Fisherman Church Hall | 421 Ocean Drive, West Haven NSW 2443 | West Haven |
Tacking Point Public School | Bangalay Drive, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Tacking Point |
Westport High School | Findlay Avenue, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 | Port Macquarie West |
Cabramatta Polling Places
Premises | Address | Unique Polling Place Name |
Bonnyrigg High School | Elizabeth Drive, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 | Bonnyrigg High |
Bonnyrigg Public School | Tarlington Parade, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 | Bonnyrigg |
Cabramatta Community Hall | McBurney Road, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Cabravale |
Cabramatta High School | Aladore Avenue, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Cabramatta High |
Cabramatta Public School | Levuka Street, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Cabramatta East |
Cabramatta West Public School | Broad Street, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Cabramatta West |
Cabramatta/Fairfield PCYC | Railway Parade, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Cabramatta |
Canley Heights Public School | Cambridge Street, Canley Heights NSW 2166 | Canley Heights |
Canley Vale High School | Prospect Road, Canley Vale NSW 2166 | Canley Vale High |
Canley Vale Public School | Canley Vale Road, Canley Vale NSW 2166 | Canley Vale |
Harrington Street Public School | Harrington Street, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Harrington Street |
King Park Public School | Humphries Road, Wakeley NSW 2176 | Wakeley |
Lansvale East Public School | Riverside Road, Lansvale NSW 2166 | Lansvale East |
Lansvale Public School | Chancery Street, Canley Vale NSW 2166 | Lansvale |
Mount Pritchard East Public School | Townview Road, Mount Pritchard NSW 2170 | Mount Pritchard East |
Mount Pritchard Public School | 104-122 Meadows Road, Mount Pritchard NSW 2170 | Mount Pritchard |
St Johns Park Public School | Sandringham Street, St Johns Park NSW 2176 | St Johns Park |
Lakemba Polling Places
Premises | Address | Unique Polling Place Name |
Belmore North Public School | Burwood Road, Belmore NSW 2194 | Belmore North |
Belmore Senior Citizens Centre | 38-40 Redman Parade, Belmore NSW 2192 | Belmore Central |
Belmore South Public School | Nelson Avenue, Belmore NSW 2194 | Belmore South |
Beverly Hills North Public School | Shorter Avenue, Beverly Hills NSW 2209 | Beverly Hills North |
Canterbury Hospital | Thorncraft Parade, Campsie NSW 2194 | Canterbury |
Clemton Park Public School | 175 Bexley Road, Earlwood NSW 2206 | Clemton Park |
Hampden Park Public School | Hampden Road, Lakemba NSW 2194 | Lakemba North |
Hannans Road Public School | Hannans Road, Riverwood NSW 2210 | Hannans Road |
Kingsgrove North High School | Richland Street, Kingsgrove NSW 2208 | Kingsgrove North |
Lakemba Public School | Alice Street, Lakemba NSW 2195 | Wiley Park East |
McCallums Hill Public School | McCallum Street, Roselands NSW 2196 | McCallums Hill |
NSWEC Warehouse | Unit 11, Riverwood Business Park, RIVERWOOD NSW 2210 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Riverwood |
Peakhurst Public School | Bonds Road, Peakhurst NSW 2210 | Peakhurst East |
Punchbowl Public School | Rossmore Avenue, Punchbowl NSW 2196 | Punchbowl |
Riverwood Public School | Union Street, Riverwood NSW 2210 | Riverwood North |
Samoan Presbyterian Church Hall | 1003 Canterbury Road, Lakemba NSW 2195 | Lakemba Central |
St Andrews Church Hall Riverwood | 9 Littleton Street, Riverwood NSW 2210 | Riverwood South |
St Therese School | Garrong Road, Lakemba NSW 2195 | Lakemba |
Wiley Park Public School | Denman Avenue, Wiley Park NSW 2195 | Wiley Park West |
Ryde Polling Places
Premises | Address | Unique Polling Place Name |
Australian Air League Hall | Santa Rosa Park, RYDE NSW 2112 | Santa Rosa |
Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy | 66 Terry Road, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Eastwood West |
Denistone East Public School | Brabyn Street, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Denistone East |
Eastwood Baptist Church Hall | 3 First Avenue, Eastwood NSW 2122 | Denistone |
Eastwood Heights Public School | Lincoln Street, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Eastwood Heights |
Eastwood Public School | Rowe Street, Eastwood NSW 2122 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Eastwood |
Kent Road Public School | Kent Road, Marsfield NSW 2122 | Kent Road |
Marsden High School | Winbourne Street, West Ryde NSW 2114 | Denistone West |
Meadowbank College Of Tafe | See Street, Meadowbank NSW 2144 | Meadowbank |
Meadowbank Public School | Thistle Street, Ryde NSW 2122 | Ryde Heights |
Morling College | 120 Herring Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 | Lyon Park |
North Ryde Public School | Coxs Road, North Ryde NSW 2113 | Ryde North |
Ryde Baptist Church Hall | Dobson Crescent, Ryde NSW 2122 | Ryde Central |
Ryde College Of Tafe Banksia Building | Parkes Street, West Ryde NSW 2114 | Parkes Street |
Ryde Hospital | Denistone Road, Eastwood NSW 2122 | Ryde Hospital |
Ryde Masonic Hall | 142 Blaxland Road, Ryde NSW 2122 | Ryde |
Ryde Public School | Tucker Street, Ryde NSW 2122 | Top Ryde |
St Anthonys Parish Hall Marsfield | 54 Agincourt Road, Marsfield NSW 2122 | Marsfield |
The Living Way Church Hall | 85 North Road, Ryde NSW 2122 | Water Tanks |
Truscott Street Public School | Truscott Street, North Ryde NSW 2113 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible) | Truscott |
West Ryde Public School | 6 Endeavour Street, West Ryde NSW 2114 | West Ryde |
Around the grounds - ACT Election.
Poll Bludger has a piece about how many seats each party is likely to win and what may happen if the Greens vote is as high as polls suggest.
Canberra Times has an article showing incumbent Jon Stanhope has slightly increased his small lead over Zed Seselja as preferred Chief Minister.
The ABC Elections site has an article about The Greens saying they don't yet know who they would back in a minority government if they win enough seats.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
ACT Election: Polling places.
Polling places for the 2008 ACT Legislative Assembly election
Below is an alphabetical list of the polling places for the 2008 ACT election. Polling places will be open between 8am and 6pm on 18 October 2008.
Ainslie Baker Gardens Pre-School - Baker Gardens
- Ainslie North
- Ainslie North Primary School - Majura Ave Ainslie
- Amaroo
- Amaroo Primary School - Katherine Ave Amaroo
- Aranda
- Aranda Primary School - Banambila St Aranda
- Barton
- Telopea Park High School - New South Wales Cres, Barton
- Belconnen
- Belconnen Community Centre - Swanson Court Belconnen
- Bonython
- Bonython Primary School - Hurtle Ave Bonython
- Braddon
- Ainslie Primary School - Elder St Braddon
- Bruce
- Calvary Hospital - Hayden Dr, Bruce
- Calvary Hospital
- Calvary Hospital - Hayden Dr, Bruce
- Calwell
- Calwell High School - Casey Cres, Calwell
- Campbell
- Campbell Primary School - Chauvel St, Campbell
- Canberra Hospital
- Canberra Hospital - Yamba Dr, Garran
- Chapman
- Chapman Primary School - Perry Dr, Chapman
- Charnwood
- St Thomas Aquinas Primary School - Lhotsky St, Charnwood
- City
- Pilgrim House - 69 Northbourne Ave, Civic
- Chisholm
- Chisholm Primary School - Hambridge Cres, Chisholm
- Conder
- Charles Conder Primary School - Tom Roberts Ave, Conder
- Curtin
- Curtin Primary School - Theodore St, Curtin
- Deakin
- Canberra Girls Grammar Junior School - Grey St, Deakin
- Dickson
- Daramalan College - Cowper St, Dickson
- Downer
- Downer Community Centre - Frencham Pl, Downer
- Duffy
- Duffy Primary Schoo - Burrinjuck Cres, Duffyl
- Evatt
- Evatt Primary School - Heydon Cres, Evatt
- Evatt South
- Miles Franklin Primary School - Alderman St, Evatt
- Fadden
- Fadden Primary School - Hanlon Cres, Fadden
- Farrer
- Farrer Primary School - Lambrigg St, Farrer
- Florey
- St Francis Xavier College - Barnard Circ, Florey
- Fraser
- Fraser Primary School - Tillyard Dr, Fraser
- Garran
- Canberra Hospital - Yamba Dr, Garran
- Gilmore
- Gilmore Primary School - Heagney Cres, Gilmore
- Giralang
- Giralang Primary School - Atalumba Cl, Giralang
- Gordon
- Gordon Primary School - Knoke Ave, Gordon
- Gowrie
- Gowrie Primary School - Jeffries St, Gowrie
- Griffith
- St Edmund's College - Canberra Ave, Griffith
- Gungahlin
- Birralee Scout Hall - 5 The Valley Way, Gungahlin
- Hall
- Hall Pavilion - Gladston St, Hall
- Higgins
- Higgins Primary School - Fullagar Cres, Higgins
- Holder
- St Judes Primary School - Mulley St, Holder
- Holt
- Holt Primary School - Beaurepaire Cres, Holt
- Hughes
- Hughes Primary School - Kent St, Hughes
- Isabella Plains
- Isabella Plains Primary School - Ellerston Ave, Isabella Plains
- Kaleen
- Kaleen Primary School - Ashburton St, Kaleen
- Kaleen South
- Maribyrnong Primary School - Alberga St, Kaleen
- Kambah North
- Taylor Primary School - Marconi Cres, Kambah
- Kambah South
- Urambi Primary School - O'Halloran Crct, Kambah
- Kambah West
- St Thomas the Apostle Primary School - Boddington Cres, Kambah
- Latham
- Latham Primary School - O'Loghlen St, Latham
- Lyneham
- Lyneham Primary School - Hall St, Lyneham
- Lyons
- Lyons Primary School - Tarraleah Cres, Lyons
- Macgregor
- Macgregor Primary School, Hirschfeld Cres, Macgregor
- Macquarie
- Macquarie Primary School, Bennelong Cres, Macquarie
- Mawson
- Mawson Primary School, Ainsworth St, Mawson
- Melba
- Mr Rogers Community School - Alfred Hill Dr, Melba
- Monash
- Monash Primary School - Corlette Cres, Monash
- Narrabundah
- Narrabundah Primary School - Kootara Cres, Narrabundah
- Ngunnawal
- Ngunnawal Primary School - Unaipon Ave, Ngunnawal
- Ngunnawal South
- Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre - Yarrawonga St, Ngunnawal
- Nicholls
- Gold Creek Primary School - Kelleway Ave, Nicholls
- Oaks Estate
- Oaks Estate Community Hall, 2 William St, Oaks Estate
- O'Connor
- O'Connor Scout Hall - Hovea St, O'Connor
- Page
- St Matthew's School - Stutchbury St, Page
- Palmerston
- Palmerston Primary School - Kosciusko Ave, Palmerston
- Pearce
- Melrose High School - Marr St, Pearce
- Red Hill
- Red Hill Primary School - Astrolabe St, Red Hill
- Reid
- Reid Uniting Church - 54 Coranderrk St, Reid
- Richardson
- Richardson Primary School - May Gibbs Cl, Richardson
- Scullin
- Scullin Salvation Army Hall - Ross Smith Cres, Scullin
- Stirling
- Canberra College Weston Campus - 71 Fremantle Dr, Stirling
- Tharwa
- Tharwa Public Hall - North St, Tharwa
- Theodore
- Theodore Primary School - Lawrence Wackett Cres, Theodore
- Tuggeranong
- Tuggeranong Salvation Army Hall - Corner of Anketell St and Reed St, Tuggeranong
- Turner
- Turner Primary School - Condamine St, Turner
- Wanniassa
- Wanniassa High School - Wheeler Cres, Wanniassa
- Wanniassa Hills
- Wanniassa Hills Primary School - Langdon Ave, Wanniassa
- Warramanga
- Arawang Primary School - Nemarang Cres, Waramanga
- Watson
- Majura Primary School - Knox St, Watson
- Weetangera
- Weetangera Primary School - Southwell St, Weetangera
- Weston
- Weston Creek Community Centre - Parkinson St, Weston
- Woden
- Woden Smith Family - Corner of Easty St and Launceston St, Woden
- Yarralumla
- Yarralumla Primary School - Loftus St, Yarralumla
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Federal Newspoll: 55-45
In a follow up article The Australia revealed the primary vote results are Labor 41%, Coaliton 38% and the Greens on record 13%. The 13% for the Greens is the equal 2nd highest result for a third in newspoll history. The highest result for a 3rd party was 17% for the Democrats in March 1990.
Kevin Rudd leads the preferred PM rating 54%-26%
Primary Votes: Labor 41%, Coalition 38%, Greens 13%, Others/Undecided 8%
2PP: Labor 55%-45%
Satisfaction: Rudd 56%, Turnbull 50%
Dissatisfaction: Rudd 32%, turnbull 25%
Preferred PM: Rudd 54%, Turnbull 26%
ACT State Election: Pre-poll locations
View Larger Map
(69 Northbound Avenue Civic)
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(Salvation Army Hall)
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(Smith Family - Cnr Easty and Launceston Streets)