1 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
2 | DWYER David | One Nation |
3 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
4 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
5 | BATES Tony | Family First |
6 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
7 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
8 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
9 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
10 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
11 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
12 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
13 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
14 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
15 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
16 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
17 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
18 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
19 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
20 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
21 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
22 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
23 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
24 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
25 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
26 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
27 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
28 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
29 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
30 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
31 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
32 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
33 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
34 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
35 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
36 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
37 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
38 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
39 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
40 | BROOK A | Independent |
41 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
42 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
43 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
44 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
45 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
46 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
Greens |
1 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
2 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
3 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
4 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
5 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
6 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
7 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
8 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
9 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
10 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
11 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
12 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
13 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
14 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
15 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
16 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
17 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
18 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
19 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
20 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
21 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
22 | BROOK A | Independent |
23 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
24 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
25 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
26 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
27 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
28 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
29 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
30 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
31 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
32 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
33 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
34 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
35 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
36 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
37 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
38 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
39 | DWYER David | One Nation |
40 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
41 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
42 | BATES Tony | Family First |
43 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
44 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
45 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
46 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
1 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
2 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
3 | BATES Tony | Family First |
4 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
5 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
6 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
7 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
8 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
9 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
10 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
11 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
12 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
13 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
14 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
15 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
16 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
17 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
18 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
19 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
20 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
21 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
22 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
23 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
24 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
25 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
26 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
27 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
28 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
29 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
30 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
31 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
32 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
33 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
34 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
35 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
36 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
37 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
38 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
39 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
40 | BROOK A | Independent |
41 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
42 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
43 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
44 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
45 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
46 | DWYER David | One Nation |
1 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
2 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
3 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
4 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
5 | BATES Tony | Family First |
6 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
7 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
8 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
9 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
10 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
11 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
12 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
13 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
14 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
15 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
16 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
17 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
18 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
19 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
20 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
21 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
22 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
23 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
24 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
25 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
26 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
27 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
28 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
29 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
30 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
31 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
32 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
33 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
34 | BROOK A | Independent |
35 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
36 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
37 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
38 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
39 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
40 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
41 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
42 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
43 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
44 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
45 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
46 | DWYER David | One Nation |
1 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
2 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
3 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
4 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
5 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
6 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
7 | BROOK A | Independent |
8 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
9 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
10 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
11 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
12 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
13 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
14 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
15 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
16 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
17 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
18 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
19 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
20 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
21 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
22 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
23 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
24 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
25 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
26 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
27 | BATES Tony | Family First |
28 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
29 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
30 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
31 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
32 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
33 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
34 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
35 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
36 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
37 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
38 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
39 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
40 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
41 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
42 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
43 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
44 | DWYER David | One Nation |
45 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
46 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
1 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
2 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
3 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
4 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
5 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
6 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
7 | BROOK A | Independent |
8 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
9 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
10 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
11 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
12 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
13 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
14 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
15 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
16 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
17 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
18 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
19 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
20 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
21 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
22 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
23 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
24 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
25 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
26 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
27 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
28 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
29 | BATES Tony | Family First |
30 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
31 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
32 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
33 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
34 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
35 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
36 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
37 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
38 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
39 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
40 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
41 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
42 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
43 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
44 | DWYER David | One Nation |
45 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
46 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
1 | BATES Tony | Family First |
2 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
3 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
4 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
5 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
6 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
7 | DWYER David | One Nation |
8 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
9 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
10 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
11 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
12 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
13 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
14 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
15 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
16 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
17 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
18 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
19 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
20 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
21 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
22 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
23 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
24 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
25 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
26 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
27 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
28 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
29 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
30 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
31 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
32 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
33 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
34 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
35 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
36 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
37 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
38 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
39 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
40 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
41 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
42 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
43 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
44 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
45 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
46 | BROOK A | Independent |
1 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
2 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
3 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
4 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
5 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
6 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
7 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
8 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
9 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
10 | BATES Tony | Family First |
11 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
12 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
13 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
14 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
15 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
16 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
17 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
18 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
19 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
20 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
21 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
22 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
23 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
24 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
25 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
26 | BROOK A | Independent |
27 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
28 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
29 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
30 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
31 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
32 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
33 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
34 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
35 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
36 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
37 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
38 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
39 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
40 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
41 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
42 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
43 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
44 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
45 | DWYER David | One Nation |
46 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
1 | XENOPHON Nick | Independent |
2 | BRYSON Roger | Independent |
3 | DRUMMOND Michelle | Independent |
4 | BATES Tony | Family First |
5 | TURNBULL Toni | Family First |
6 | GIBSON Colin | Family First |
7 | HANSON-YOUNG Sarah | Greens |
8 | MORTIER Nikki | Greens |
9 | RIGNEY Matt | Greens |
10 | RUSSELL Ruth | Australian Democrats |
11 | BAUMANN Max | Australian Democrats |
12 | WAY Richard | Australian Democrats |
13 | ENDEAN Colin Andrew | Climate Change Coalition |
14 | KUBILIUS Vidas | Climate Change Coalition |
15 | NEUMANN Emma | What Women Want |
16 | McINTOSH Morag | What Women Want |
17 | COLANGELO Bruno | Christian Democrats |
18 | HUNT Noelene | Christian Democrats |
19 | HARDY Garry N J | Democratic Labor Party |
20 | McCABE David | Democratic Labor Party |
21 | HOWARD Rob | National Party |
22 | CUTHBERTSON Mark | National Party |
23 | ARMSTRONG Neil | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
24 | TIPPINS Paul Anthony | Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party |
25 | PATERSON Brian M | Independent |
26 | BROOK A | Independent |
27 | HAHN John | Australian Shooters Party |
28 | BORUN Basil C P | Australian Shooters Party |
29 | BERNARDI Cory | Liberal Party |
30 | BIRMINGHAM Simon | Liberal Party |
31 | CHAPMAN Grant | Liberal Party |
32 | KOURTESIS Maria | Liberal Party |
33 | FARRELL Don | Labor Party |
34 | WONG Penny | Labor Party |
35 | PERRY Cathy | Labor Party |
36 | GLASS Stewart | Independent |
37 | CLARKE Renfrey | Socialist Alliance |
38 | LAZAROU Liah | Socialist Alliance |
39 | CLARK Joel Michael | Senator On-Line |
40 | CLARKE Courtney | Senator On-Line |
41 | McALARY David | Liberty and Democracy Party |
42 | HILL Mark | Liberty and Democracy Party |
43 | VINCENT Martin | Citizens Electoral Council |
44 | SIEBERT Paul G | Citizens Electoral Council |
45 | DWYER David | One Nation |
46 | ALDRIDGE Mark | One Nation |
About Nick Xenophon - The interesting thing in the Senate race in S.A is contest between not Nick Xenophon himself but his running partner and the minor parties. Nick is polling 24.2% of the primary vote according to a survey by the Adelaide University politics department of 542 people published on the ABC elections site. His seat is virtually guaranteed and it will all come down to preferences and surplus votes as to whether his running partner or the Greens also get one.
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